
Programme up to the end of August 2024
Tuesday 25th June 2024
Exchange Visit from Downend C C

Tuesday 9th July 2024
Outing ?

Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Outing ?

Our new programme starts here

Tuesday 10th September 2024
Introductory Meeting
Members to bring some images taken during the Summer. View last years winning images

Tuesday 24th September 2024
‘Every Step I Take’
By Heidi Stewart
Hand in Print Competition Entries

Tuesday 8th October 2024
‘Table Top Practical Evening’
Bring your cameras.

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Comp. No 1 Print ‘Two, Double, Twin’ and ‘Open’
Judges by Mike Martin
Hand in Scavenger Images

Tuesday 29th October 2024 (5th Tuesday)
A Showing of the ‘Scavenger Hunt’ Pictures

Tuesday 12th November 2024
Presentation by North West Bristol Camera Club

Tuesday 26th November 2024
Return Print Battle at Downend C C
At their Hall (Salisbury Road)
Hand in DPIs for A or B Competition

Tuesday 10th December 2024
Christmas Party and ‘A or B’ competition
Bring along goodies to eat.
Pick Out Lucky Dip picture subjects

Merry Christmas & A Happy,
Healthy New Year to you All.

Tuesday 14th January 2025
‘Offa’s Dyke South and North’
By Alistair Chalmers
Hand in 3 Lucky Dip Images

Tuesday 28th January 2025
Lucky Dip Pictures

Tuesday 11th February 2025
‘Photos and Stories’
By Boys in Bristol
Hand in Monochrome Print & DPI Competition Entries (3 of each Max)

Tuesday 25th February 2025
Portrait Evening.
Bring your cameras

Tuesday 11th March 2025
Competition No.2 ‘Monochrome’ Print and DPI
Judged by Douglas Lodge

Tuesday 25th March 2025
‘I have Camera, will Travel’
by Bob Bishop
Hand in Print competition No. 3 entries.

Tuesday 8th April 2025
‘Audio Visual Presentations’
By our own members

Tuesday 22nd April 2025
‘Why and How I Photograph Birds’
By Peter Ottley

Tuesday 29th April 2025 (5th Tuesday)
Competition No. 3 Print ‘Rain’ and ‘Open’
Judges by Martin Cooper

Tuesday 13th May 2025
We will view the ‘WCPF Travelling Print Portfolio’

Tuesday 27th May 2025
Member’s Critique
Bring along some images for us to comment on
Hand in DPI Competition No. 4

Tuesday 10th June 2025
‘Annual Review’ - Election of Committee and Officers
Let us hear your views and suggestions.

Tuesday 24th June 2025
Competition No. 4 DPI ‘Night Time’ and ‘Open’
Judges by Peter Weaver

We will have outings to various local photogenic
places each Tuesday evening during July and August.